Help & Advice
General information, tips, help and advice for property owners and our water users.
Water services responsibility – who looks after what?
- What do we look after?
- What does the property owner look after?
Your Water Bill
What is tiered billing?
Why are there tiers?
What will happen if I’m not water wise?
Winter sprinkler switch-off
Why do I need to turn my reticulation off in winter?
What if I don’t switch-off?
How much water does my garden need?
When is the best time to water?
Hand watering
How much should I water?
Common reasons for increased water use
Seasonal changes
Unexplained increases in water use
Sometimes we may not meet your expectations. In those instances, we appreciate you giving us the opportunity to resolve your complaint.
We aim to resolve complaints as quickly as possible and we always attempt to resolve complaints within 15 days.
Our Complaints procedure offers a step by step guide to making a complaint, as well as who to refer to if you are not satisfied.
Water Supply Update – Feb 2024
In this update we clarify aspects of your water bills and water supply:
- Water usage levels
- Water tanks
- Pricing
- Water quality
- Water pressure
We don’t top up water tanks
Sorry, you need a mobile water carrier – that’s not what we do
We are a mains water supplier
Who can supply water for my tank?
How much water do your appliances use?
- Is your dishwasher water efficient?
- What about your washing machine?
- How much water does your shower use?
Common usage rates for items in your household
Water Supply Update – June 2024
In this update we clarify aspects of your water bills and water supply:
- Winter sprinkler switch-off
- Regional water pricing
- Average household water usage
- Help & Advice webpage
WA water restrictions & temporary watering exemptions
- WA sprinkler restrictions
- Temporary watering exemptions
- What qualifies for an exemption?
- Conditions
Bushfires and emergencies
- Your water supply
- Be well prepared. have a survival plan
- Defending your home during a bushfire
- Emergency contacts
Water Supply Update – October 2024
In this update we turn our minds toward summer and the State’s sprinkler rules:
- Spring & Summer sprinkler restrictions
- Sprinkler roster
- How much water does your garden need?
- Being waterwise